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May 27, 1998 <br /> <br />Dear Chief Viles: <br /> <br />I wanted to send a note of thanks in regards to Jamie's participation in the Police and <br />Teen Commission at the high school this year. <br /> <br />I must admit that at first I thought Jamie may have only been selected because of his <br />trouble maker reputation and juvenile offender status and I was concerned because Jamie <br />was never the drug dealing thug that the rumors made him out to be. <br /> <br />To my absolute delight, Jamie has been made to feel like a leader rather than a loser. He <br />had not missed a single week of telling me what happened at the Commission meeting <br />that week. We have discussed everything from the tragic teenage driving fatalities this <br />past school year, drug testing at school, the School Board visit, jail visit, and on and on. <br /> <br />Jamie has come away with a better understanding and respect for the law and the law <br />enforcement officers. He has discovered that the laws and our local officers are working <br />for a better place to live and a better relationship with our town's teens rather than being <br />the enemy. <br /> <br />He has gained a better understanding of the reality of consequences for actions and has <br />gained an edge when it comes to choosing not to skip school or to drink and drive <br />because of this knowledge. <br /> <br />I know that Jamie is not the only one who has benefited from this program as I speak <br />with several of your members regularly and we have had many discussions about <br />Commission topics. <br /> <br />Thanks so much for your time, expertise, and for caring for our teens. <br /> <br />Respectfully yours, <br /> <br /> <br />