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MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF METROPOLITAN POLICE COMMISSIONERS <br /> JUNE 18, 1998 <br /> <br /> The Town of Mooresville Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners met June 18, 1998 <br />with Board members Dr. Dennis Knierim, Tom Warthen and legal council Timothy C. Currens <br />being presen£ The meeting was preceded with the pledge of allegiance, then called to order by <br />Dr. Dennis Knierittr <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen made motion and was seconded by Dr. Knierim to approve the minutes of the <br />last meeting. <br /> <br /> Under Old Business, Jim Lefler from the Mooresville Consolidated Schools gave an update <br />on a grant he has applied for in partnership with the Police Departmenr Titled "Cops Fast <br />School Based Partnership", funds will provide resourses for training on Conflict Resolutions <br />for students and staff, and security for the schooL Partnership includes Mooresville Schools, <br />Mooresville Police Department and the Student Advisory Committea He expects a response <br />within six to eight weel~s. <br /> <br /> L&. Robert Bauer from the Morgan County Sheriff's Department presented plans for a new <br />Firearms Range to be used by all Police Agencies in the county. He is requesting $6,000.00 <br />from each of the largest agencies, being Martinsville P.D., Mooresville P.D., and the Sheriff's <br />Departmen&. Tim Currens advised this would have to go before the Town Council for <br />approvaL. <br /> <br /> An update on the new roof for the Police Department Building was given,, with Tim Currens <br /> explaining that drawn plans must pass the State Building Code, and that there is a 190 day <br /> process before the permit can be issued. <br /> <br /> Under New Business, Chief Tim Viles advised that new shifts will be posted and in effect by <br /> June 28th, He also requested an Executive Session to discuss disciplinary action, which was <br /> set for June 24th at 7 o'clocl~ at the office of Tim Currens. <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen advised he is still reading through the Department's S.O.P. 's and would like <br /> <br /> <br />