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441 <br /> <br /> May 18, 1999 <br /> <br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 18, 1999, at 6:30 I'. M. <br />at the Mooresville Town Hall. <br /> <br />Council members present were: President Mark Mathis, Toby Dolen, John L.Clark, Tom <br />Warthen, and Andy Pygman. Town Attorney Tim Currcns was also present. No Council <br />members were absent. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Clark, second by Councihnan Dolcn to approve the minutes of <br />the previous meeting, May 4, 1999. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />This was a Public ltearing for Majestic Block Tax Abatement. There were no remonstrators <br />present. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Dolen, second by Councihnan Clark to approve thc <br />Confirmatory Resolution and findings there in for Majestic Block tax abatement. Motion carried <br />54). <br /> <br />Larry Long presented insurance quotes on cars, property, and buildings to the Council from <br />Hadley Cook & Quillen Insurance. Dean Mayfield of Mayfield Insurance presented his quote <br />for like insurance. The Council agreed to compare the quotes and decide at the June !, 1999 <br />Town Council meeting. <br /> <br />Debbie Campas, a resident of Brookmore, told the Council her and her husband had not been <br />told it was mandatory to hook onto the new sanitary lines. She said they could not have $900 for <br />a hookon permit by July 7, 1999. Attorney Tim Currcns will research to sec ~vhat can be douc <br />and report next meeting. <br /> <br />Bill Swinney addressed the Council about the possibility of sanitary hook on for property he <br />owns on Hadley Road consisting of 43.339 acres. Collett Meadows is to the back of this <br />property and beside Collett Meadows is 14.1 acres owned by Ralph Crouch who also nfight be <br />interested in developing a housing addition. If both develop together there would be <br />approximately 130 homes, if Mr. Swinney develops his property only, approximately 120 <br />homes. Karrington Estates is on Hadley Road with Ray Young's property between this and <br />Swinney's property. A discussion including a lift station needed to hook on thru Collett <br />Meadows to a gravity line feed from Karrington Estates if they could pick up Ray Young's <br />subdivision. Street Superintendent Joe Beikman said the line on Bridge Street, 8" line, <br />probably would be taxed too much and suggested a change in the lift station at Karrington <br />Estates and pump over to Grandview's 12 inch line. The Council discussed contiguity being a <br />problem for annexation. This matter was tabled to the June 1, 1999 meeting. <br /> <br />Next, Banning Engineering brought the rezone of Lots 22,23, and 24 in the Reagan Addn. before <br />the Town Council. This was tabled from the previous meeting. Attorney Tim Currens explained <br /> <br />the rezone was for each lot and that was the issue at hand not how the doubles would be platted <br />on each lot. Motion was made by Councilman Dolen, second by Councilman Clark to rezone <br />lots 22, 23, and 24 from R-1 to R-2. Motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Pygman opposed. <br /> <br />President Mathis said he wanted to get in touch with I st Christian Church before voting on the <br />signs they requested. This was tabled to 6-1-99 meeting. <br /> <br />Swinney Bros. Developer Fees was next to discuss. Darrell Swinney said he was given <br />permission by the previous town council to mn the sanitary line down Landersdale Road to his <br />development at North Madison Crossing (144 residential lots). This line required two bores and <br />he oversized the line according to Joe's recommendation, lte is asking for a refund of $77, <br />489.00 according to the Town Sewer Ordinance for the Developer Availability Fund. The Town <br />Council agreed to table until the June 1, 1999 ~neeting. <br /> <br />The concensus of the Town Council was to advertise for a Public Hearing for an additional <br />appropriation from the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund for paying of materials for Bridge <br />Street Sidewalk. <br /> <br /> <br />