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MINUTES OF MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met at a specially called <br />session on Wednesday, October 26, 1983 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at the Mooresville <br />Town Hall. Present were Board Members Warren Franklin, Wendell Thaler, Paul <br />Walters and Chairman Steve Oschman. Also present was the Board's Attorney, <br />Timothy C. Currens. It was determined that there was a quorum present and the <br />meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Oschman. Minutes of the last <br />meeting were approved by all members. Chairman Oschman then proceeded to the <br />first item on the agenda. <br /> <br /> Case Number 7-1983, a petition for a variance to reduce the front set-back <br />line to 20 feet from the right-of-way of Old State Road 67 North, Mooresville, <br />Indiana at the location of 601 Old State Road 67 North was presented by David <br />Loudermilk and his attorney Richard Bray. Mr. Bray advised the Board of the <br />location of the building with a plan from the engineer's drawing. The proposed <br />building consist of a 40 x 80 foot steel structure. The building is to be even <br />with the structure adjacent to it and due to the nature of the stream and the <br />proximity of the levee the building must be located within a certain area <br />requiring it to be closer than the Town set-back requirements. Mr. Bray showed <br />how the building would be located in its proximity to the highway and that it <br />would be 20 feet at its closest proximity to the road right-of-way and 33 feet <br />from the edge of the pavement at its closest proximity. The Board then opened <br />up the questioning to the floor. Mr. Lee Gorman, 595 Old State Road 67 North, <br />owner of the Auto Pro building was present. He advised that the new structure <br />woud not provide any access vision problems for his traffic or the other <br />buildings located in that area and stated that he was in favor of this building <br /> <br /> <br />