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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />Thursday, <br />Thursday, May 4, 2023 6:00pm <br />Mooresville Government Center <br />Commission Members present: Brian Culp, Erin Pipkin and Ryan Taylor. School representative Dr. Jake <br />Allen was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. Redevelopment Commission Attorney <br />Adam Steuerwald was absent. <br />Commissioner Taylor called the meeting to order and led the group in the pledge followed by an <br />invocation. <br />Annual Report: Jason Selmer, Sam Schrader and Tim Foster with Baker Tilly were in attendance to <br />present the annual report of the underlying taxing units. Semler provided an update on legislative <br />changes impacting TIF. Schrader provided the annual report presentation. Manns noted that Council <br />President Warthen was unable to attend due to another obligation but had received an advanced copy <br />of the presentation. <br />Minutes: Minutes were presented from the March 2, 2023 executive session and regular meeting. <br />Commissioner Pipkin made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting as presented. <br />Commissioner Culp seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />April 6 minutes were tabled. <br />Financials: Financials were provided by the Clerk -Treasurer's office via email. RDC Capital Fund had a <br />total of $7,814,192.79. TIF totals are $8,963,262.07. Commissioner Culp made the motion to accept the <br />financials as presented. Commissioner Pipkin seconded the motion, which carried 3-0 <br />Mooresville Business Center Update: Manns shared the tax recission for the shell building had been <br />approved by the Town Council. She has followed up and the County Auditor and Assessor have received <br />the information needed and no further action should be required. She does anticipate there will be an <br />additional request for an abatement on the build out as well as personal property. <br />Michael Weishaar with Cushman and Wakefield was in attendance and provided an update on the lots <br />being marketed by Cushman owned by the Commission. Three of the four lots currently being marketed <br />including the shell building are under contract currently. The fourth lot located west of Haymaker Drive <br />is an anomaly with 10 acres, only a few of which are buildable. The three existing contacts are moving <br />