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Mooresville Metropolitan Board of Police Commissioners <br />Police Department Ernie Wilson <br />Fred Settle <br />Christopher Hobbick <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />These are the minutes of the scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission, held at <br />the Mooresville Police Department on August 15, 2024. <br />Members Present: Chris Hobbick, Ernie Wilson, Fred Settle <br />Also Present: Chief Buckner, Charles Braun <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. <br />Commissioner Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 18th meeting. <br />Commissioner Settle seconded the motion. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />No old business from the Police Commission. No old business from the Chief of Police. No old <br />business from the Attorney. <br />Commissioner Hobbick brought up changing the meeting location from the police department to <br />the Mooresville Town Hall. Commissioner Hobbick asked if a motion needed to be made. <br />Attorney Braun stated that a motion was not necessary but if he wanted to put it on record then <br />he could make a motion. Commissioner Hobbick made a motion to move the meeting location <br />contingent on the space being available when needed and training on the equipment was <br />completed. Commissioner Settle seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />Commissioners Settle and Wilson stated that they did not have any new business <br />Chief Bucker advised that the new design for the department's badges was completed. He <br />advised that he presented the design to the Town Board, and they liked it. A picture of the new <br />badge was passed among those present at the meeting. <br />Chief Buckner presented the Police Commission with a rough draft of the uniform policy. He <br />advised that some minor changes were made. He also advised that he added diagrams to aid in <br />the correct placement of items. Chief Buckner offered to make copies of the SOP after the <br />meeting, and it was requested that he send it electronically. <br />Chief Buckner advised he had three applicants for the open positions. The first was a lateral from <br />another department. She had to complete the entire process for the PERF Board. The second was <br />a firefighter from Plainfield. He is already a member of the Police & Fire 77 Pension so he will <br />only have to complete the psychological phase. He will need to attend the police academy. The <br />third applicant works for Marion County, and he will also need to complete the police academy. <br />