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8~3 <br />04-15-08 <br />The Mooresville Town Cauncil met in regular session an Tuesday April 15, 2008 at 6:30 <br />P. M. at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />Town Council members present were: President Mark Harris, Vice-President Jeff Cook, <br />Jahn 1.. Clark, Ryan Goodwin, anal Tony Langley. No members were absent. Attorney <br />Tim Currens was present. <br />Jim Taylor, Grace Church; gave the prayer. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to <br />approve minutes of April 1, 2008 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Jason West and Charles Bryant spoke to the council. They own a catering company and <br />plan to have a festival June 19-21St. Part of the proceeds will be allocated to the <br />Community Cares Foundation. There will be entertainment, carnival rides, and a beer <br />garden. They had spoken to the police department for security paid by them not by the <br />Town. They will have portable,restroom, large tents, and a lighted parking lot. They <br />came before the council to let them know what they are planning. The hours for the <br />event will be 5 P. M: to 10 P. M. an Thursday and Friday and 3 P. M. to 1 l P.1Vl. vn <br />Saturday. <br />Dean Mayfield presented the renewal. of accident policy for reserve police officers and <br />reserve firefighters. This supplements their disability insurance. A three year policy for <br />reserve firefighters was an additional 1,112.00 more per year and the reserve police <br />stayed at $500 per year. A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin with a second by <br />Councilman Clark to approve renewing both police and fire accident policies. Motion ~ <br />carried 5-0. ~,, <br />Ross Holloway presented a rezone for Don Adams and Van Winkle Springhill Christian <br />ministries from B-2 and Agriculture to PUD-1. Thirteen acres belongs to ~~' <br />aa~ Springhill Christian ~~irii~tries zoned B-Z and thirty four acres directly behind this is <br />owned by Don Adams~adt4~s ~onec~ Agriculture. This area will be on Mooresville <br />.Sanitary lines and on. Hi11 Water. The plan commission members were in favor 7-0 with <br />three conditions put on the plat as follows: <br />1. Maintenance and upkeep of the emergency access drive shall be on a share and share <br />alike basis among the owners of all lots in Block A and Block B. <br />2. A Knox box or other security device as approved by the Mooresville Fire Department <br />shall be placed at the emergency access entrance at Bethel. Road. <br />3. Maintenance and upkeep of the access street running through the planned unit <br />development shall be on a share and. share alike basis among the owners of the lots <br />until which time the street is accepted far maintenance by the Town of Mooresville. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Langley with a secand by Cauncilman Clark to <br />approve the rezone to PUD-1. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Economic Development: Tim Currens presented a tax abatement far Mt. Olive. The <br />Public Hearing is scheduled for May 6, 2008. A motion was made by Councilman Clark <br />with. a second by Councilman Cook to approve Resolution 2, 2008 abatement for Mt. <br />Olive. Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Langley excused himself from the vote due to <br />his relationship with Mt. Olive. <br />Animal Control Office, Mark Taylor, reported fifteen (15) calls, six (6) impounds, and. <br />five (5) returns. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to <br />approve payment of the claims. Motion carried 5~-U. <br />There being no other business to come before the council at this time a motion was made <br />by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Langley to adjourn the meeting. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />