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Q y <br />The. next regular scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Town Council will beheld on <br />Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 6:30 P. M. at the 1Vlooresville Gove ent Center. <br />Ha ,Council Fresident - <br />ATTEST" <br />r.. <br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer <br /> <br />Nlay 6, 2008 <br />The Mooresville Town Council met on Tuesday, May 6, at 6:30 P. M. at the <br />Mooresville Government Center. <br />Town Council merr~bers present were: President Mark Harris, Vice-President Jeff <br />Cook, John L. Clark; Ryan Goodwin, and Tony Langley. No members were absent. <br />Town Attorney Tim Currens was present. <br />Jimmy Parsons, Pastor of Harvest House International gave the prayer. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Langley to <br />approve the minutes of April 15, 2008. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The two apps sals~for the Romine Property on East South Street next to the new Street <br />Garage avers was $25,500. A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second <br />by Councilm Caok to have Attorney Currens send a letter of intent to purchase to <br />Mrs. Romine's daughter. Motion carried 5-0. The first thing the Town woulddo is to <br />demolish the home and maybe then widen Park Drive to allow more space for the street <br />department trucks to .enter onto South Street. <br />Public Hearing for Mt. Olive: John Taylor presented the abatement. Mt. Olive is <br />constructing a X12,000 square foot building. The Declaratory Resolution was passed at <br />the last meeting of the Town Council. Tonight is for the Confirmatory Resolution. Mr. <br />Olive currently leases space in Plainfield. The company owner Steve Langley wants <br />his own building and to get back to lvlooresville. He began the company an at his home <br />on Wilbur Raad in 2003. The company seals and bonds ..fabrics and currently does 60% <br />medical, 20% aerospace and the rest in retail products. A motion was made by <br />Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve Confirmatory <br />Resolution 3, 2008 for Live Oak LLC; ten year abatement an building and ten year on <br />equipment, successor owner of land will be included. Motion carried ~=0: Councilman <br />Langley abstained due to relationship to the owner of Live Oak, LLC. <br />Mark Hams reported to the council the Town is working with the Chamber of <br />Commerce to sponsor a firework display. The chamber has offered to da a lot of work <br />to get this rolling and has already put $8,000 in Citizen's back in a special account. A <br />motion was made by Councilman Coak with a second by Councilman Clark to approve <br />matching the $B,OOU and adding $2,000 for miscellaneous expense to be paid out of the <br />Riverboat Fund. Ntotion carried 5-0. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to <br />approve Ordinance #6, 2008, amending the amount of cats, dogs, and other pets to the <br />animal ordinance in order to be consistent with the zoning ordinance. Motion carried 5- <br />0. <br />Attorney Currens reported the additional cost proposal from Strategic Development <br />Group for the Highway 144 aril 1-69. The proposal is for $20,000 that would include <br />the Town also. A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by <br />