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<br />Council President Harris reported last Tuesday the Fire Department opened all bids and they <br />have a proposed construction schedule. A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second <br />by Councilman Clark to approve bidders and construction schedule. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Troy Bryant, Indiana American Water Company, reported they were going to do two water main <br />projects. The water main between Indiana anal Clay on East Washington Street is a four inch and <br />going to be updated to an eight inch and taken to Maple Lane. The second project is on West <br />South Street and turn corner onto Lockerbie to_ I-iighway #42. This also is a Four inch to be <br />updated to an eight inch. GRW Engineering designed the water mains and Perry Excavating was <br />awarded the work bid. They have a sixty day construction window and ninety day finish. They <br />[1 <br />should be out of there by second week in November. They will be replacing infrastructure of <br />water mains for next three or four years. <br />Council President Mark Harris announced 2009 Budget Committee of Jeff Cook and himself to <br />meet with department heads. This should take about twenty hours to complete. <br />Councilman Clark reported David Moore, Utility Department, had gotten a price far a new Bab <br />Cat and with trading in the old Bob Cat for $4,000 the new one would cost $43,528.00. This <br />could be lease or buy outright but Councilman Clark said the money was in the Utility <br />Department budget sa he would just as soon buy outright. Councilman Langley asked if they <br />shouldn't get mare bids, Attorney Currens said to be in compliance they need to get two more <br />bids. Joe Beikman wants to stay with Bob Cat, so they will get mare bids to bring to the August <br />l 9th, meeting. <br />Legal: Attorney Currens had the Declaratory Resolution for Lin El for a piece of equipment that <br />will parallel the other equipment they had already received abatement on earlier this`year. They <br />found. a better piece of equipment and will trade in the first one and will still be a five year ~.. <br />abatement. A motion was made by Councilzx~an Clark with a second by Councilman Langley to <br />approve Declaratory Resolution #S, 2008. Motion carried 4-0. A Public Hearing will be at the <br />August 19th meeting. <br />Legal: The Village Condos had damage done with the work being done on Highway #144. <br />They request the Council presents this to the State and then they will get reimbursed. A motion <br />was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to approve. Motion carried <br />4-0. <br />Larry Bryant, Police Commissioner, reported two officers graduating from the Academy on <br />August 22"d, 2008 and Matthew McDaniel will be sworn in as Police Officer on Friday August <br />8th to begin at the Academy September 2, 2008. <br />Les Farmer, Fire Chief, thanked the council, redevelopment commission, and fire committee far <br />the fire station. <br />Councilman Clark asked for the Utility Department Heading to be put on the agenda. <br />Animal Control Officer, Mark Taylor, reported thirty eight (38) calls, eleven (11) impounded, <br />and two (2) returned. <br />A motion was made by Councilrrxan Clark with a second by Councilman Langley to approve <br />payment of claims. Motion carried 4-0. <br />There being no further business to come before the council at this time a motion was made by <br />Councilman Cook and second by Councilman Clark to adjourn the meeting. <br />The next meeting ofthe Mooresville Town Council will be Tuesday, August 19, 2008, at 6:30 P. <br />M. at the~Mooresville Government Center. <br />M k H ' , Counci President <br />ATTEST <br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer <br />