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TC 2008
Town Council Minutes
TC 2008
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12/30/2008 12:09:45 PM
Clerk Treas
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,.Q <br />Dean Mayfield, Mayfield Insurance, presented health insurance quotes to the council. His <br />suggestion was to keep CoreSource as the TPA and changing from Hartford to Chubb for the re- <br />insurer. They were less in cost plus there were no lasers with the plan. The most money but of <br />pocket for the year would be $1,303,092.00. A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin with <br />a second by Councilman Cook to approve Mr. Mayfield's suggestion. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Dave Moore, Utility Department, requested the change of a part-time employee to a full time <br />employee. This is tabled until Sept. 2"d meeting to decide if the budget can afford this hiree. <br />Councilman Goodwin spoke to the council about going into an agreement with Outsource IT for <br />the server, networking between the EDC, Clerk-Treasurer's office, Public Works and Storm <br />Water. Councilman Goodwin explained our technology needs have exceeded our ability because <br />we no active maintenance or monitoring. It is a reactive, when a problem occurs, we call them <br />and it could be too late. Outsource is proposing monitoring 24 hours a day and maintenance <br />every night. The pricing is based on the size of network. They can even share our desktop in <br />their office and walk us through problems. This would reduce on sight costs. This item is tabled <br />to the Sept. 2"d meeting. <br />Les Farmer, Fire Chief, reported they are in the process of getting all permits for construction of <br />the new fire station. <br />L <br />1 <br />Dan Tingle, WWTP Superintendent, had quotes for replacing two pumps at Meadow Lake. The <br />cost is $5.200.00 and he is going to see if Meadow Lake will share the cost. A motion was made <br />by Councilman Langley with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve this request. Motion <br />carried 5-0. Dan told the council he will be coming back to the next meeting with quotes an <br />coating the floors. <br />Brent Callahan, Park Superintendent, presented a request far paving the road at the park using <br />one inch over all road surface and two parking areas. They have a Kendrick Grant for $74,000. <br />They received three quotes: Wallace $77,138.00, Paveco $88,294.00, and Armor Asphalt <br />$97,940. The Park Board went with Wallace. The second project is two basketball courts and <br />goals. The Wallace quote at $7,791 for the courts, and $2.400 for the goals. Project #3 is <br />repairing the trail and the Wallace quote was approved at #9,350.00. A motion was made by <br />Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to approve bids for all three projects <br />totaling $96,679.00 to be paid from Food & Beverage. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mark Taylor, Animal Control Officer, reported thirty-nine (39) calls, thirteen (13) impounds, and <br />eight (8) returned. <br />A motian was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve <br />payment of claims. Motion carried S-0. <br />There being no further business to come before the council at this time a motion was made by <br />Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Clark to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried S- <br />0. <br />The next regular scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Tawn Council will be September 2, 2008, <br />at 6:30 P. M. at the Mooresville Government Center. This meeting will be a Public Hearing far <br />Pre-Adoption of 2009 budget. <br />ATTEST: <br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer <br />~- <br />Mac arri , ouncil President <br />
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