<br />Dave Moore from the Utility Department reported to the council they have a utility area on South
<br />Highway 67 behind the Wastewater Treatment Plant that is a temporary holding area for debris
<br />that is now a big brush pile. He had spoken with Bob Miller, Ray's Trash, and he said they
<br />could come in and remove debris for $350A0 an hour. They did not know the price for grindiang
<br />yet. ,The roll-offs would cost $110 for each. David thought 3 or 4 roll~offs would .be sufficient.
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve
<br />this clean up paid fromm trash rezxaaval in budget. Motion carried 5~0.
<br />Town attorney Tim Currens reported to the council they were now ready to proceed on the Belle
<br />Romaine property from the estate.
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve
<br />payment of the claims. Motion carried 5-0.
<br />There being no further business to come before the council at this time a motion was made by
<br />Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Langley to adjourn the meeting. Motion
<br />carried 5-0.
<br />The nest scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Town Council is September 16, 2008, at 6:30 P.
<br />1VI. at the Mooresville Government Center. This meeting will be for final adoption of the 2009
<br />Budget.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />,~~,~ ~D.~ ..
<br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer
<br />k ' , o cil President
<br />September 16, 2008
<br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at the
<br />Mooresville Government Center.
<br />Town Council members present were: President Mark Harris, Vice-President Jeff Cook, Ryan
<br />Goodwin, and Tony Langley. John L. Clark was absent.
<br />Steve Kehrer, Minister at the Church at Heartland Grassing, gave the prayer.
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin with a second by Councilman Cook to approve
<br />minutes of the September 2, 2008 meeting. Nlation carried 4-0.
<br />Public Hearing for Final Adoption of 2009 Budget: There were no questions from the audience
<br />or the Council. The 2009 advertised budget was in the amount of $8,219,084.00. The budget
<br />amount to be approved tonight is for $7,730,1.23A0 which is a difference of $488,931.00. The
<br />Police Department budget in the amount of $2,111,167.00, Fire Department budget in the
<br />amount of $1,461,779.00, Councilman Langley commented he thought the council should look
<br />at ambulance service regionally not just the Town of Mooresville, Town Hall budget in the
<br />amount of $638,996.00; Town Court budget in the amount of $173,803.00, Utility Department in
<br />the amount of $291,047.00, Storm Water budget in the amount of $122,060.00 plus using Storm
<br />Water user fees in the amount of $43,550.00, MVH at $1,191,643.00, L R & S at $80,000, Park
<br />& Recreation at $890,346.00, CCD at $136,800, EDIT at $352,482, Rainy Day at $1$0,000, and
<br />Riverboat at $100,000. A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin and a second by
<br />Councilman Cook to approve Ordinance #9, 2008 for the amounts above for a budget for 2009.
<br />Motion carried 4-0.
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Cook with. a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve a
<br />Resolution for Line #1 for the 2009 budget. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin with a second by Councilman Langley to approve
<br />a Resolution for Line #2 for the 2009 budget. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve the
<br />last two bids for the fire station: L C Smith for sprinkling system at $56,244.00 and McAllister
<br />Heating and Air Conditioning at $98,899. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />