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~:~ <br />A motion to approve tlae closing of Memorial Drive on November Sa' from 11-4 was made by <br />Councilman Goodwin, second by Councilman Clark: Motion carried. 5-0. <br />President Harris stated that Jim Albertson of Force Construction, which is handling the <br />Greencastle Road project, had contacted him concerning the need for office space during the <br />construction. This would be for a period of approximately one year, beginning sometime in the <br />next two to three weeks. President Harris met with Jim Albertson and showed him the available <br />space at the old Town Hall. Mr. Albertson had said that they usually pay $400-$600 per month <br />far office space. Councilman Clark suggested no rxaore than $375 or $400. Attorney Tim <br />Currens stated. they would need to sign a lease and show a certificate of insurance. President <br />Harris stated that Mr. Albertson would be in contact with Tim Currens to take care of all of the <br />legalities. <br />A motion to rent office space in the old 'T'own Hall at 26 S. Indiana to Force Construction for <br />$375.00 per month was made by Councilman Clark, second by Councilmman Langley and carried <br />S-0. <br />Attorney Currens stated that the Town had received a response from 1NDOT on the Town's <br />request far reimbursement for damage done on Civic Circle. He stated that the amount was <br />correct and suggested the Council approve it. <br />A motion to approve the agreement with 1NDOT for reimbursement for the damage done to <br />Civic Circle was made by Councilman Cook and second by Councilman Clark. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />Animal Control Officer, Mark Taylor reported thirty-eight calls, sixteen impounds and eleven <br />returns. <br />A motion to approve the payment of claims was made by Councilman Clark, second by <br />Councilman Goodwin. Motion carried 5-0. <br />There being no further business to come before the Town Council at this thane, a motion was <br />made by Councilman Clark to adjourn the meeting. Motion was second'by Councilman <br />Goodwin and carried 5-0. <br />The next meeting of the Mooresville Tawn Council will beheld on Tuesday, October 21, 2008, <br />beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />Co cil Pr ent, Mark Harris <br />ATTEST: <br />1 <br />.~ ., , <br />-- _ _ _. _~ _ ;.. .. -_.r.r <br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer <br /> <br />