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TC 2008
Town Council Minutes
TC 2008
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12/30/2008 12:09:45 PM
Clerk Treas
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8 <br />October 21, 2008 <br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 21, 2008, at 6:30 P. <br />M. at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />Council members present were: President Mark Harris, Vice-President Jeff Cook, John L. Clark, <br />Ryan Goodwin, and Tany Langley. No members were absent. Town attorney Tim Currens was <br />present. <br />Kelly Carter, First Christian Church, gave the prayer. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Goodwin with a second by Councilman Clark to approve the <br />minutes of October 7, 2008 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Ross Holloway, Holloway & Associates, appeared before the council asking for the original <br />bond on the Keswick Estate Development, Bethel Church Road, to be released and a subsequent <br />bond is made. The development has taken several changes and now there has to be a replat. The <br />Wittenbachs requested the original bond of 2002 be released. Attorney Currens said this would <br />need to have Tawn Council approval and then taken to the Plan Commission meeting. A motion <br />was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to release the band on <br />approval of the Plan Commission. Madan carried 5-0. <br />Chris Gale, HNTB, was present for the opening of the bids for the UV Disinfection Project at the <br />Wastewater plant. Bids: 1. Graves Plumbing $943,210.00, 2. Infrastructure Systems, Inc. <br />$1,120,400.00 3. Mitchell and Stark Construction Co, Inc. $986,945.00 4. Hagerman., Inc. <br />$1,368,000.00 5. Shook Construction $912,000.00 6. M. K. Betts Eng. & Contracting <br />$997,000.00, 7. Bowen Engineering $997,040.00 8. Maddox Industrial Contractors <br />$1,114,000.00, and 9. Thieneman Construction, Inc $897,500.00. Attorney Currens will take <br />the bids under advisement and the project will be awarded at the November 4, 2008 Town <br />Council meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman <br />Goodwin. to approve. Mohan carried 5-0. <br />Judge Susan Lieb appeared before the council concerning the hiring of a full time person that is <br />now working part time. She has enough money in the court budget. Mrs. Harris is not taking the <br />health insurance as her husband has health insurance for the family. Councilman Goodwin <br />wanted to make sure she was offered health insurance and she had been. A motion was made by <br />Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin tv approve the request. Motion <br />carved 5-0. <br />Judge Lieb also told the council some ordinances need to be written as an ordinance violation <br />bureau.' If they are not rewritten parking tickets will be $120.00 and dog violations will be <br />$120.00. If we do rewrite them parking tickets will still be $5.00. Attorney Currens will draft an <br />ordinance for the next meeting. The Town Council approved by consensus. <br />Next, was an open discussion on ambulance service. Council President Harris wants the council <br />to identify a need for Mooresville to provide ambulance service. He said it would be negligent <br />of the council not to look ahead when township government is finished. Councilman Langley <br />asked Les Farmer, Fire Chief, what was currently proposed. Chief Farmer explained that in the <br />budget far 2009 they had asked for three additional full time positions. They would provide one <br />ambulance 24 hours a day in the beginning. To provide two in the beginning it would drop <br />staffing dawn an fire control. Councihnan Langley asked about equipment. Chief Farmer said <br />they have equipment for most of what would be on an ambulance. An ambulance would have to <br />be bought and this was considered with the budget for 2009. The fire budget far 2008 was $1.2 <br />and far 2009 it is for $1.5. Available now is a BLS ambulance and one paramedic at Brown <br />Township. Chief Farmer has several advax-ced emit's which is between the BLS and ALS care. <br />There is a possibility the three new employees being paramedics and some of his reserves could <br />be paramedics. Council President Mark Harris asked when the new fire station opens could the <br />ambulance be ready to ga. Councilman Goodwin answered if the budgets are approved at the <br />rate they were for 2008(late summer) they won't be done until the same time in 2009. He said he <br />didn't think he have a full picture, the uncertainty of when the budget will be approved and for <br />how much. <br />
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