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TC 2008
Town Council Minutes
TC 2008
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Clerk Treas
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Anibulance discussion: Council President Mark Harris announced that anyone wishing to speak <br />had two minutes. Julie Lakes, 5 East Main Street, voiced leer concern they on one has seen any ~~`~ <br />kind of comprehensive plan or numbers. She thinks the Town is starting a new business. She is <br />a business owner and knows you have to have a plan. Council President Harris state the Town <br />was not starting a r~e~~ti business just an additional service to the Fire Department. Julie Lakes <br />said to her, it was like starting a new business without income statements and recovery casts. <br />Steve Overton, owner of Overton & Sans and a taxpayer, encouraged the council to slow down <br />on this process. <br />Dan Spear, 1042 East Carlisle, said he was not in support of Mooresville having an ambulance <br />service. It would be taking away from Brown Township and he would rather see a Fire <br />Teriitary. He hadn't heard any care voiced for Brown Township's employees. <br />Cheryl Kline, Roberson Woods, came forward with a list of 77 signatures against this taking <br />place at this time. The concern was for the jobs being cut at Brown Tawnship and a concern <br />there is not a plan. in place. <br />Dave Davis, Brown Township Fire Chief, spoke offering to the Town to talk more about a <br />merger or a territory. He said he looks at this as a whole community not Brown Township <br />against Mooresville. Cauncil President Harris gave an example of the merger between the <br />Indianapolis Police and Marion Caunty Police and the mess it is in and how much it has cost. <br />Mark said. everything is going to be pushed more down to the county. Dave Davis said the <br />consolidation of fire departments in Marion County has gone well. Dave Davis also said you can <br />take away a trustee but not the fire department. He also said the council members did not know <br />about the ambulance service and asked when did the town contact the township about this <br />ambulance service. He might have to lay peaple off work. Mark answered he and Councilman <br />Caak did meet with Brawn Township and that did nat ga well. <br />Rex Nichols, Nichols Insurance, spoke saying at the Chamber meeting Councilman Goodwin <br />was expressing concerns about funding of entire project. Do we anticipate the dollars to be the <br />same next year and this year? He wanted to hear from each council member. Council President <br />Jeff Allen, owner of 1Vlooresville Welding, stated we all agree we need to get from point A to <br />point B. He thinks making a decision tonight would be negligent. His biggest concern is cost <br />and we don't know what our budget is going to be. It looks like Mooresville could. give Brown <br />Township money to better staff their equipment. <br />Todd Taylor, Mooresville Fire Department, stated we don't know what that call is that is coming <br />in. We need to be well staffed for that call. <br />Harris said the only difference is we do not currently do the transport. There will be three <br />people, one per shift. Councilman Cook had some numbers to report that out of 1,146 runs as of <br />October 16"', 832 were in town limits of Mooresville. He feels it town's responsibility is to have <br />an ambulance to help out, not to eliminate Brown Township. They have told us for six years <br />they don't know how long they can keep the doors open down there. Councilman Goodwin said <br />his position when it comes to public safety you can't mess around. When it comes to ambulance <br />service he daes see changes in the wind, but came July 1, 2009, the township is not going to be <br />locked up. He stated we had our own council say they did not know what it is going to cost. The <br />State hasn't approved the 2009 budget. He wants to move the community forward, but doesn't <br />think we are ready. Councilman Langley agreed with Councilman Goodwin and said we all <br />anticipate Brown Township and Mooresville will one at some paint in time. The township is <br />shrinking. We don't have to make rash decisions tonight and he wants to talk about how to work <br />together far a merger. Councilman Clark said he served the Town for 35 years as a police <br />officer. He took care of the people and Life Star had done him well taking him to the hospital <br />when he needed them, but the Town of Mooresville needed its own ambulance because he loves <br />this town and its people. If that ambulance saves one life, it is worth it. <br />Angela Cath, 617 Tulip Poplar Drive, stated the Chamber of Commerce meeting was for <br />education on ambulance service anal some council members were not there. Council President <br />Harris said he had law enforcement training and had to disbursement from FEMA far the county, <br />no there members were phoned. <br />Bridgette Morales-Kilgore spoke about needing a business plan and a budget to be a good <br />steward of the Town's money. She thinks there are too many gaps and they are working too <br />quickly to push this thru. <br />~ ['resident Mark I-Iarris closed the discussion. <br />_;-. <br />
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