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Andy Ellinghousen from the Mooresville Junior Baseball League appeared before the <br />council requesting permission to have a parade fallowing the same route as years in the ~ ~~ <br />past. The parade will be on Saturday, April 19, 2008, at 8:30, A. M. There will be at least <br />SO vehicles with 10-12 children in back of the trucks. He stated Chief Viles was <br />concerned about going out on Indianapolis Road. But Andy Ellinghousen said the map <br />was already given out to people and it would be kind of hard to make changes raw. He <br />said if the escort police officers slow down at the turn on Indianapalis Road, the parade <br />seems to move better. A motion was made by Councilman Langley with a second by <br />Councilman Cook to apprave the parade using the same route. Motion carried S-0. <br />u <br /> <br />1 <br />Attorney Tim Currens told the council he had spoken with Ruth Robinson to go over <br />some things with her he will call her again next week. <br />A Presidential appointment was rr-acle to complete Charles McGuire's term on the Board <br />of Zoning Appeals. Robert Williamson will be the replacement unti12009. <br />Troy Bryant, Indiana American Water Co., appeared before the council to request storing <br />same equipment for 60 days. The State has a realignment project for Highway 144 so the <br />water company will have to change their water lines. The water company will restore any <br />landscaping needed. Council President said approval would have to be with the <br />understanding the fire station building praject on that property become first priority. Troy <br />Bryant understood. A motion ways`"made by Councilman Clark with a second by <br />Councilman Langley to approve the request. Motion carried S-0. <br />Legal: A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Clark to <br />approve Ordinance 3, 2008 establishing court costs up to state standards. Motion carried <br />S-0. <br />Brent Callahan, Moaresville Fark District, reported to the council the Park Board had <br />hired Layman and Layman to update the five year master plan. The Park will also be <br />taking bids on just under a mile of new walking trail. <br />Animal Control Officer, Mark Taylor, reported fourteen (14) calls, four (4) impounds, <br />and three (3) returns. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Goodwin to <br />approve payment of the claims. Motion carried S-0. <br />There being no further business to come before the Town Council at this time, a motion <br />was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Clark to adjourn the <br />meeting. <br />The next regular scheduled meeting of the Moaresville Town Council will be Tuesday, <br />April 1, 2008 at 6:30 P. M. at the Government Cer <br />ATTEST: <br />Sandra R. Perry, erk reasurer <br />~w~~ <br />April 1, 2008 <br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session an Tuesday, April 1, 2008, at the <br />Moaresville Government Center. <br />Council members present were: Vice President, Jeff Caok and Councilmen John L. <br />Clark, Ryan Goodwin and Anthony Langley. President, Mark Harris was absent. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was present. <br />Jim Taylor, of Grace Church, opened the meeting with prayer. <br />