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MINUTES OF THE MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met at a specially called <br />meeting on Tuesday, the 1st day of December, 1987, at the Mooresville <br />Town Hall. Present were board members Tilford Bailey, Donald Barry, <br />Warren Franklin, Wendell Thaler, and Steve Oschman. The board's <br />attorney, Timothy C. Currens was also present. The meeting was <br />called to order by Steve Oschman who determined there was a quorum <br />present. The board proceeded to approve the minutes of the prior <br />meeting and findings of fact. <br /> <br /> The only item on the agenda was the petition filed by Stephen <br /> <br />A. and Cheryl L. Edwards and Donald M. and Bobbie S. Barry for <br />Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 in Northpoint Subdivision. The <br />petitioners were present along with counsel, David Lawson. Mr. <br />Lawson stated that the purpose of the variance was from the <br />development standards as to the lot size to have two-family dwellings <br />placed on the property. The petition set out the respective lot <br />sizes on the lots the variance request were being made. The ordinance <br />requires a lot size of 12,500 feet for doubles and potentially a <br />lesser amount for multi-family dwellings over and above doubles. <br />Mr. Lawson also introduced a copy of the restrictive covenants <br />which stated that the subdivision would be used for one family and <br />two family dwellings. He also pointed out that the restrictions <br />required that all buildings must be constructed with sixty percent <br />(60% of the exterior walls covered with masonry products. Mr. Lawson <br />stated that the property had been on the market since 1984 and the <br />lots had been listed with four different realtors. In particular, <br />they were having a very difficult time selling the lots for single <br />family purposes and that's the reason that the petitioners wanted <br /> <br /> <br />