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to develop lots with doubles. He also advised that the initial <br />cost of developing the subdivision was so great that it was <br />necessary to continue with some sort of development to make the <br />lots useful. Mr. Lawson stated that there were other apartments <br />in the area and businesses and that the proposed units would not <br />be detrimental to the value of the adjoining property owners. <br />Plans of the proposed duplexes were shown. The board then opened <br />the discussion up to the floor. <br /> <br /> Ed Hunt of 1241 Northpoint Drive advised that he built one of <br /> <br />the first homes in the subdivision which had been appraised at <br />Seventy-six thousand dollars ($76,000.00). Mr. Hunt complained <br />that variances for set-backs and sidewalks had already been granted <br />and that smaller homes had been built in the subdivision. He felt <br />that the doubles would hurt his property value. <br /> <br /> John Sheridan of 177 East County Line Road spoke to the water <br />drainage problems. In particular, he said that during July a three <br />inch rain had created a back-up at the drain tile which eventually <br />would get up onto his property. He also felt that the water drainage <br />area could be a source of real danger to children in the area and <br />that the occupants of the homes would not have any places for their <br />children to play other than the streets and these types of areas. <br />Mr. Sheridan objected to the variance request. <br /> <br /> Gay Mowery of 1210 Northpoint Drive stated that her home was <br /> <br />in access of Fourteen Hundred (1,400) square feet with a four hundred <br />(400) square foot garage. She felt her home was worth Seventy <br />Thousand to Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($70,000 to $75,000) and <br />that the doubles would hurt her property value. <br /> <br /> --2-- <br /> <br /> <br />