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responded that he would prefer to have this matter heard by the full <br /> board and asked that the matter be tabled until next meeting and <br /> also to give the board members time to investigate the matter. <br /> Tilford Bailey then moved to table this matter until the following <br /> <br /> meeting. The motion was seconded by Warren Franklin and unanimously <br /> <br /> carried. <br /> <br /> The last item on the agenda was the application by the Marathon <br /> Petroleum Company requesting a variance of the sign set-back from <br /> sixty (60) feet to fifty (50) feet at the new gas station located <br /> at 535 South Indiana Street. <br /> <br /> Dyw~e Lamb of Marathon Petroleum provided the Board with green <br />certified receipts and said that he had proof of publication and <br />the white copies of the receipts and would bring those to the Town <br />Hall tomorrow morning. <br /> <br /> He said that the new ID sign at the station would be two hundred <br />fifty (250) square feet compared to the original sign which was <br />ninety (90) square feet. He further advised that they had originally <br />planned to install a fourteen (14) foot pole but determined that <br />that would block the Pizza Hut sign so they decided to increase the <br />length of the pole to twenty (20) feet. He further advised that the <br />sign size did not block any visibility from the road. <br /> <br /> Mike Gray of Gray Brothers Cafeteria was concerned with the sign <br />blocking the view of their customers leaving the lot but indicated <br />that it appears from Mr. Lamb's discussion that this would not be <br />a problem. The Board then proceeded to determine whether the request <br />met with the requirements for a variance from the development standards <br />under I.C. 36-7-4-9-18.5 and the Board made the following findings: <br /> <br />- 6 - <br /> <br /> <br />