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desirable for this type of proposed use. In particular, he pointed out tha~ <br /> highest and best use of ground without adversely affecting the surrounding <br /> neighbors is the standard that should be looked at here. Likewise, the ul~ <br /> use of the ground after the mining operation is done and the resulting lake <br /> long-range benefit. He advised that he had no idea of the water problem ant <br /> affect on the surrounding neighborhood and being a layman could not give an <br /> opinion on this, but if this is not a problem then he certainly felt the pre <br /> use would be a benefit to the surrounding area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schirier then testified that having an industrial area is a benefJ <br /> the community. In particular that most small communities do not have an <br /> industrial base, but instead develop their tax base from residential homes. <br /> That the development of an industrial area in a community would lead to a be <br /> future growth and industrial tax base which would benefit the whole communit <br /> Further, that the industrial park, buffered by a lake, would ultimately make <br /> excellent buffer between the two zones. <br /> <br /> Attorney Lawson then questioned Mr. Schirier about the criteria for a <br />Special Exception, listed in petitioner's exhibit 7, which represent the spe <br />criteria of the Town of Mooresville Zoning Ordinance by the Board of Zoning ~ <br />for a Special Exception. In particular, Mr. Lawson wanted to know if Mr. Sc] <br />investigation represented sufficient findings in his opinion for the Board of <br />Appeals to make a Judgment that this Special Exception would meet the criter: <br />out in Items 1 through 6. Mr. Schirier said in his opinion the standard woul <br />met by the proposed mining operation. <br /> <br /> Chairman Oschman then asked Mr. Schirier about the potential of reduct~ <br />in values of the adjoining homes in the surrounding area. The response was ! <br />he believed there would be no affect to any of the property values in the su~ <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />