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creek. It was also pointed out that the plant does not run at full capacity except <br />during wet weather. <br /> <br /> · he Board then proceeded to review the findings of fact. Under Item 1, <br /> <br />Steve Oschman stated that there was some question as to public health and safety <br />brought out by potential infiltration contamination. He mdvised that there was <br />evidence both ways and the decision came down to a risk factor in his estimation. <br />Wendell Thaler felt that the treatment plant was self-contained preventing this <br />problem and Tilford Bailey pointed out that contamination from runoff and farms <br />could present a potential problem if the creek flooded on into the lake. Item 2, <br />use and enjoyment of the surrounding properties was discussed with Tilford Bailey <br />pointing out some of the problems other adjoining property owners had suffered <br />near another gravel mining operation outside of the town. Paul Walters felt that <br />this was true and would effect property values immediately with the possibility of <br />increasing them after the mining operation had ceased and the lake was put in. <br />Again, Steve 0schman stated that the Gaddis property would definitely be hurt from <br />a property value point of view and use and enjoyment point of view also. Tilford <br />Bailey believed that Willwood Manor property owners would be affected as to use <br />and enjoyment raising the noise and dust factor along with property values declining. <br />Paul Walters advised that he certainly would not want to live by this operation. <br /> <br /> Moving on to Item 3, the Board in general felt that the criteria was met. <br />Looking at Item 4, they felt the items were met and under Item 5, that ingress and <br />egress would be a problem along with traffic congestion on S.R. 67. The Board <br />in general felt the requirements under Item 6 of the special exception requirements <br />were met with the exceptions pointed out in the other aforementioned instances. <br /> <br /> <br />