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Paul Walters then stated that he felt that requirements 2 and 5 at this time <br />were not met and Wendell Thaler stated that at lemst in his opinion Item 5 was <br />certainly not met. <br /> <br /> Chairman Oschman then stated to the Board that he would entertain a motion. <br />Wendell Thaler then stated that he would move the special exception be denied for <br />the reasons that Items 2 and 5 of the special exception requirements set out in <br />the Mooresville Zoning Ordinance under Chapter 5 - Special Exception Procedures, <br />had not been met based upon the earlier findings of the Board as discussed. <br /> <br />Paul Walters seconded this motion which unanimously carted 4 - 0. Warren Franklin <br />abstained from voting since he had not heard all of the testimony for the reason <br />that he was out of town at the one meeting where expert opinion was given. <br /> <br /> The Board then proceeded to the next item on the agenda, the petition for <br />a variance from the development standards, filed by Mooresville Federal Savings <br />& Loan on the property located at 24 Spring Mill Court to install a 3 1/2 foot X <br />8 foot identification sign, four feet from the curbing. Attorney Currens advised <br />that proper notices had been given and the affidavit of publication had been <br />provided. Tom Lloyd proceeded to present the request of the petitioners. The <br />Board questioned Mr. Lloyd about the sign and its location and after a review of <br />the development st~adards regarding the effect on the adjoining property owners <br />the other requirements, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-918.5, made a finding that <br />the variance would meet said standards. Paul Walters made a motion that the <br />variance request be granted as presented with Warren Franklin seconding the same <br />and the Board unanimously voting in favor of the variance. <br /> <br />The next item on the agenda was the variance request presented by Jerry L. <br />and Terri R. Taylor of 830 Edgewood Drive, Mooresville, Indiana. Attorney Currens <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />