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April 21, 1998 <br /> <br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 21, 1998, al 7:30 I'. M. <br />at the Mooresville Town Hall. <br /> <br />Council members present were: President Mark Mathis, Toby Dolen, Bill Wright, Andy <br />Pygman, and Jim Hensley. No council me~nbers were absent. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Wright, second by Councilman Dolen to approve the minutes <br />of the April 7, 1998 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />Glenda Seals of the Seymour District, State Highway Department spoke to the Council about the <br />Bridge on Highway 144 at Highway 67. Several residents and business owners, expressed their <br />concerns about the road being completely closed, the length of closing, and the safety. Those <br />expressing concern were Bill Overholser owner of Children's Park, Jim Newcomer of <br />Newcomer Lumber, and Bill Abbott Town Engineer. <br /> <br />Glenda Seals explained the length of the Project had not been determined because they did not <br />have final plans. The Project is scheduled for a November 1998 letting of bids. Highway 144 <br />at the bridge would be four lanes, a dedicated right, a dedicated left, and a thru lane for <br />Eastbound traffic and for Westbound traffic, one lane. She also talked of an Official Detour in <br />which the State officially assigns Town Streets as the Detour and would come in ahead of time <br />and cut out joints and would resurface prior to construction. With an Unofficial Detour, the <br />State would assign all State Roads as the Detour. After completion of the Project, the State <br />would reimburse the Town for repairs having to be made to the streets. Glenda told the Council <br />if there was a November 1998 letting and work begins April 1, 1999, it is estimated the project <br />will take one season to complete. <br /> <br />A 1996 ruling states the State of Indiana has to have a signed agreement with tile Town for tile <br />Project. Glenda Seals will appear before the next Council meeting on May 4, 1998 to discuss <br />more updated information. If possible the Engineer on the Project, Todd Listerman will come <br />before the Council also. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Councilman Dolen to approve Daryi <br />Lewis, 806 Johnson Road, request for hooking on to the Sewer. He agrees to be mmexed to the <br />Town of Mooresville. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Pygman, second by Councilman Dolen to approve a Re-Zune <br />from Agriculture to R1A for the Remster property on Indianapolis Road. The Plan Comlnission <br />had recommended to the Town Council this property be rezoned by a 9-0 vote. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Councihnan Dolen to approve Availabilty <br />Fees for Fisher-Perry Corp.(Ace Hardware, Mooresville Movies, and rental space) in the amount <br /> <br />of: Connection Fees $7110.00 <br /> Availibility Fees $8690.00 <br /> Total $15800.00 <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br /> A discussion was held concerning the possibility of rewording the Sewer Availability Ordinance <br /> for a PUD Commercial. Some of the fees are supposed to be paid at the time of the plat <br /> recording, in the case of Commercial, most times it is not known what businesses will go in. If <br /> too low of a fee is set and a different business using more sewer goes in the Town loses out on <br /> some of the fees. Plainfield experienced this problem and changed their PUD Commercial <br /> Ordinance. Town Attorney Tim Currens will research The Commercial PUD Ordinance and <br /> come back to the Council with possiblities of change. <br /> Motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Coucilman Dolen to approve a Resolution <br /> for Drug Week. Motion carried 5-0. Drug Week will kick offon Sunday, May 3, 1998 at 2:00 i'. <br /> M. at the High School Auditorium. <br /> <br /> <br />