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EDC Director Harold Gutzwiller reported on the Brootanore CFF Grant, in particular the <br />REFUND AGREEMENT with Sun Polymer at Ambassador Steel. Sun Polymer will pay out of <br />pocket $91,875.00 for oversizing ora force main, a lift station, a 12" Ihte, and a 12' wide access. <br />Sun Polymer's part of the work would total $18,562.00. Ih¢ rcmahdng $73,314.00 would be <br />refunded to them because it is over and above what they would use. The refund money would <br />come from the Town.'s Developer Availability Fund which according to the Ordinance could be <br />used when oversizing is requested. Tiffs refund agreement would help with the CFF Grant <br />application. The Lift Station would be dedicated to the Town of Mooresville. Motion was made <br />by Councilman Hensley, second by Councilman \Vright to approve thc REFUND AGIUEF. M~EN'Y <br />with Sun Pol3,aner(Resolution 2, 1998). Motion can/cd 5-0. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Counci.hnan Dolen to authorize subnfittal of <br />the Community Focus Fund Grant Application to the Dept. of Cormncrce and to approve <br />Resolution 2, 1998 as written with the exception of the amount of refund being $83,314.00 instead <br />of $73,314.00 due to added monies for electrical work. Motion canied 5-0. <br /> <br /> Dan Hilton o£ United Water Company requested the Council to sign an casement for Utdted <br /> Water to run a water line across the Testerman property the Town owns. After nmch discussion <br /> motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Councihnan Dolcn to approve the easemen! <br /> subject to Street Commissioner Joe Bcikman's approval of location, lXlotion carded 4-1. Council <br /> President Mark Mathis opposed. <br /> <br /> Motion was made by Councilman Pygman, second by Cotmcilman Dolen to approve the United <br /> Water Booster Station at Bridge Street subject to the possibility the main might need lowered due <br /> to the grade level. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br /> Next, Ross Holloway of Holloway & Associates requested a rezone for the property on F. ast Main <br /> <br /> Street,(formerly the Starkey property), from an R-1 to R-2, for the buildingof a double with six <br /> parking spaces in the back. This rezone was fdcd m~der the name of Gilliam, now belongs to <br /> Kart. Motion was made by Councilman Hensley, second by Councilman Dolen to approve the <br /> rezone from R-1 to R-2. Motion carried 4-1. Councilman Pygman opposed. <br /> <br /> Motion was made by Councilman Wright, second by Councihnan Hensley to approve two lots that <br /> were part of a Minor Plat into a PUD for Southbridge Crossing. Motion carded 5-0. <br /> <br /> Ross Holloway reported to the Council the Town could extend the Cemetery right away in file part <br /> that is the Flood Plain and no permits would be requested. He should lmow. in approxhnately 2-3 <br /> weeks what the DNR will say can or cannot be done in the FloodWay. <br /> <br /> Councilman Pygman reported on the lighting of Highway 67. Fixtm'es and poles were quoted at <br /> $316.00. Fixtures on existing poles quoted at $194.76. The Engineer for IPL has to get permits <br /> for the poles from the State. The south part of Southbfidgc Crossing's entrance is REMC not <br /> IPL. Councilman Pygman asked the Council to consider going on down Highway 67 South to thc <br /> Molex entrance which would be approximately 5 more lights. He will check out the cost of the <br /> extra lights. <br /> <br /> The Council agreed to the Method[st Church putting up a two day sign the siz~ of a <br /> Birthday Yard sign on Old Rd. 67 and Indianapolis Road in tile island area and back hr enou~t <br /> for good driver vision. <br /> <br /> Councilman Pygman also reported a residence on West }hgh Street running a business out o£ Ids <br /> house because the property owner has a stack of Ihnbs the size of the Town. Meeting Rnom in/ffs <br /> back)'ard. Town Attorney Tin'~ Currcns said a siggied complaint with pictures will need to be <br /> forwarded to the Plan Commission. He stated Ih'nbs are an Ordinance violation-Ordinance 2, <br /> 1993-and thc police can cite thc propcrty owner. <br /> <br /> <br />